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Spoedeisende Hulp

Twisted ankle, ankle sprain

Twisted ankle, ankle sprain

Virtual Fracture Care

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An ankle distortion or “twisted ankle” is often the result of twisting or overextending your ankle in an awkward way. Symptoms include pain, bruising and swelling of the ankle. This type of injury is treated at the emergency department and you will be discharged afterwards. You can read more about your injury and what you should do in the coming days in this pamphlet.


  • You have sprained your ankle as a result of an awkward movement, and the ligaments of your ankle have sustained a partial tear.
  • This type of injury almost always heals well without any loss of function
  • A routine follow-up is not necessary for this type of injury.
  • The pressure bandage that you are given at the emergency department will support your ankle, but does contribute to the healing process of this injury.
  • Walking will result in a faster recovery, try to walk as soon as your pain allows this.
  • Try moving your ankle frequently to prevent stiffness. Biking is a good way to practice the movements of your ankle.
  • You can find exercises for your ankle in this pamphlet or in the app.
  • If you have any questions, or are experiencing problems with your recovery, you can call the “breuklijn” (fracture hotline), (0314) 32 92 50 on work days between 10:00 - 12:00.

After a sudden awkward movement, your foot can twist to the inside or outside. This is called a distortion, sprain, or twisted ankle. The ligaments of you ankle will be overstretched and sustain a partial tear. Full-length tears of ankle ligaments are extremely rare. This partial tearing can also result in ruptures in some of the smaller blood vessels, which causes bruising. After a distortion, swelling may also occur, usually on the outside of the ankle.

What can you do if you have an ankle distortion?
When will your ankle be re-examined?
Because of the swelling, thorough physical examination of your ligaments is not possible during your visit at the emergency department. This can be done after 4-7 days, when the swelling has decreased. You should make an appointment with your general practitioner for the follow-up examination of your ankle ligaments. In some cases, we will make an appointment in the hospital in the outpatient clinic.

How long will your recovery take?

Overstretched ankle ligaments
Partial tear of the ankle ligaments
When should you contact your general practitioner?


After a distortion of the ankle, stiffness, loss of strength and loss of coordination may occur. The following exercises can be performed to support your recovery

When to start and what to do

It is important that you start exercising immediately as much as possible, if the pain allows it. This will prevent the ankle from becoming stiff. Start with non-weight bearing exercises, which are exercises you do without standing on the foot. Then start with weight bearing exercises. Exercise only when the pain allows it.

Follow the instructions below:

Non-weight bearing exercises
Watch the video’s in the Virtual Fracture Care app – under folder: ‘Ankle distortion’. Extend the exercises on advice and when the pain allows this.

Weight bearing exercises
Watch the video’s in the Virtual Fracture Care app – under folder: ‘Ankle distortion’.


You can call us
If there are any questions after reading the information, please contact us or visit www.slingeland.nl.

Breuklijn, (0314) 32 92 50. Please call us on work days between 10:00 - 12:00.

Virtual Fracture Care app
In our Virtual Fracture Care app, you can find more information about your injury. You can also find exercises here to improve your recovery. You can find the app in the Appstore (iPhone) and in the Google Store (Android). You can also scan the QR-code, automatically you will be transferred to the app.


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