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Spoedeisende Hulp

Greenstick fracture (children)

Greenstick fracture (children)

Virtual Fracture Care

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Your child has a small fracture in the lower-arm, which is called a greenstick fracture. This fracture is treated with a brace and a sling.


  • Your child has a small fracture in the lower-arm
  • This type of injury almost always heals well without any loss of function.
  • A routine follow-up is not necessary for this type of injury.
  • The sling can be removed as soon as your child’s pain allows this. The brace can be removed after 2 weeks. If your child is still in too much pain, the use of the brace and sling can be reduced in the third week.
  • To prevent the wrist from getting stiff, it is important that your child starts moving the wrist after 1-2 weeks.
  • You can find instructions on how to reapply the brace in the app.
  • If you have any questions, or are experiencing problems with your recovery, you can call the “breuklijn” (fracture hotline): (0314) 32 92 50 on work days between 10:00 - 12:00.

The greenstick fracture of the wrist or lower-arm is a common injury in children. This type of injury is called a greenstick fracture because it looks like a young twig that has been bent. It is treated with a brace and a sling.

0-2 weeks
  • Wear the sling, remove it as soon as your child's pain allows this
  • Wear the brace.
2-3 weeks
  • Wear the brace, remove it as soon as your child’s pain allows.
3-5 weeks
  • Move the wrist and lower-arm.
After 5 weeks
  • Start sports.

Follow these instructions for a good recovery.
Reapply the brace
If you want to reapply the brace, you can find instructions in the video below to do so.

The fracture is close to the wrist. Therefore it is important that your child starts moving the wrist after 1-2 weeks. No specific exercises are necessary.

Please call us
If there are any questions after reading the information, please contact us or visit www.slingeland.nl.

Breuklijn, (0314) 32 92 50. Please call us on work days between 10:00 - 12:00.

Virtual Fracture Care app
In our Virtual Fracture Care app, you can find more information about your injury. You can also find exercises here to improve your recovery. You can find the app in the Appstore (iPhone) and in the Google Store (Android). You can also scan the QR-code, automatically you will be transferred to the app.


Foldernummer: feb 22